Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ay mon.

couscous with scallions, red peppers, onions, garlic and shrimp. pineapple chunks and gorilla iced coffee.


Kelly said...

What is a gorilla iced coffee, and why is there no picture of a monkey drowning in it?

Michael said...

I'm also curious what gorilla iced coffee is.

e. beman said...
people love this stuff.

Maryana Lucia Vestic said...

It's true, we "people" do. It's Good. Monkey in a cup.

All Is On said...

It's THE MOST amazing coffee. I thank Dave for introducing it to me. I literally won't drink anything else. I'd rather do without. (Well... I'll go to Baked, but that's more out of convenience and theirs is not so bad, either.)

I love the shrimp!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.