Friday, July 11, 2008

all hands on deck.

erin 071108

2 superthin slices of domestic berkshire pork prosciutto, a stuffed grape leaf, cucumber yogurt soup (just a few spoonfuls). Grand Sichuan leftovers - wok'd red chilis studded with chicken bits, scallion, sichuan peppercorn and rice. homemade iced tea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my mom was all like 'oooh. what's that?'.

I said "it's what I had for lunch. if you email my friend ej with a description of your lunch, she will draw it for her blog."

"why?" she asked

"cos she's broke and has lunch envy I guess."

"But how can she be broke if she's talented like this?"mom wondered.

"she works for Jews, ma. Orthodoxy."


Then she rattled on about her friends daughter who worked for orthodox jews in the fashion biz and got royally screwed, blah blah blah. I was really surprised she didnt ask me what a blog is.